Frequently asked questions

We hope this list may answer a few of your own, but if you have more questions, ideas, concerns, or comments, please send us a message or give us a call.

Q: Why can't I find my website when I search for my business online?

There are over eight billion pages on the Internet without any index. Search engine optimisation (SEO) and managed paid search are two ways to increase the likelihood of your website appearing in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Q: What is search engine optimisation (SEO)?

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the process of making your website popular among search engine results pages (SERPs). When people click on your website on these natural search results, there is no cost to you.

Q: What is managed paid search?

Managed paid search is a broad category of ways to advertise your business online. Cost-per-click (CPC) advertising is an efficient way of helping your website appear in relevant searches and are displayed differently than the organic listings. CPC is a targeted means of increasing visibility in a local market when users search for your business' products and services. Video and banner ads are also common forms of impression-based digital marketing.

Q: Do I need to use both organic and paid search to ensure my website appears?

It depends on your business and the competition in your market. Statistics say if you are visible in both, you increase your chance of being selected by almost thirty percent.

Q: How does Search Optics know if my digital campaigns are effective?

We have developed a proprietary tracking system called UPTRACS® that allows us to track inbound phone calls and e-mails to your business from your online campaigns. You will know which actions are bringing in the most traffic and can base your goals on maximising these opportunities.

Q: Does Search Optics work with non-automotive clients?

Yes. We work with many different types of businesses, including food & beverage, gaming & hospitality, and healthcare.

Q: Is Search Optics a website company?

We are a digital marketing company; however, a mobile-first website is a vital tool needed to compete for your customers in today's business world. We specialise in building websites that generate quality inbound phone calls and e-mails.

Q: Is Search Optics my future digital marketing partner?

Give us a call. We are happy to assess your current strategy to determine if we can help drive more qualified prospects to your business.

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